Steve Jobs Meditation – Boost Your Happiness and Creativity
The latest big-screen Steve Jobs bio, penned by Walter Isaacson, is full of rumour and speculation but there’s one thing that everyone seems to agree on – he meditated. It is not surprising as steve jobs meditation can offer a pathway toward increased happiness and mindfulness.
From the start of his adult life Jobs immersed himself in books on spirituality and enlightenment. He read deeply and took part in a variety of meditation retreats. His favorite book was Be Here Now, a guide to the practice of meditation and the wonders of psychedelic drugs by Baba Ram Dass.
Learning from Steve Jobs: The Power of Meditation
It is thought that this experience transformed him and helped him develop his intuitive understanding of the world around him. This is why his products, like the ipod, iphone and ipad were so stunning; they weren’t designed according to market research but rather according to his intuition. And this intuition, he believed, came from his Zen meditation.
In a business environment where most live by the principle of greed is good, Jobs lived by the principle that simplicity is key. He would discard everything that was not essential and stayed focused on the things that were. He also believed that this was a result of his meditation and the ability to concentrate that it developed in him.
So if you are looking to be a more effective leader, increase your happiness and boost your creativity, try steve jobs meditation. It could be just the thing you need to find your inner peace and be a success in your business.